The beneficial effects rendered by the probiotics are now beyond doubt and most of the people around the world believe in their effectiveness and efficacy. Many of us take probiotic supplements through dietary intake as food products. A large number of our traditional foods are based on the fermentative capability of these probiotic bacterial strains and our forefathers were also in the habit of taking fermented milk and other foods although with little knowledge about the probiotic bacteria. The beneficial strains helped them maintain good health away from frequent encounters with disease manifestations.
The commercially available probiotic strains are used by the individuals simply as lyophilized powdered products, chewable tablets and so on. The form of the probiotics also vary from live to heat inactivated dead cells with even the DNA or the protein parts of the strains being capable of rendering their beneficial effects. The commercially available probiotic products are more effective from the point of view that they have been produced keeping in mind all the safety guidelines.
In addition, the dosage and the actual number of the bacteria administered are also under control unlike the intake through the traditional food products. Infact the number of bacteria taken in and their viability is a matter of great concern with regard to the probiotic biology and their positive influence on the health of the host. But with all the recent developments in this field of using probiotics as beneficial modulators of our health, there is an important question doing the rounds for their further betterment as our ‘friendly’ biota; which is the best route of their administration into our body? [Read more…]